Welcome, New ACCRETA MOM

Adopt an Accreta Mom Peet Support Placenta Accreta

Welcome - we’re a community of accreta patients and survivors and we are glad you found us. Our thoughts are with you as you navigate your placenta accreta experience and prepare to deliver.

So many accreta moms in our survivor community are thinking of you right now and would like to show their support. NAF connects survivors and families who wish to support accreta moms - with other patients and with hospitals caring for accreta patients. By sharing your information with NAF below:

  • You will receive an e-care package and toolkit from NAF with information and patient resources to prepare and support you through the accreta journey, and stay in touch during recovery.

  • NAF can direct support to the hospitals currently in need and send support letters, care packages, and accreta awareness kits.

  • NAF can potentially connect you with another patient for one-on-one support. NAF may also connect you to research opportunities to share your experience to support improved outcomes for patients like you.

  • If funded and available, NAF will send you a promo code to receive a Strong Like Mom infant onesie.

If you are currently pregnant, please complete the form below. If you have already delivered, please share your story with us.

OUR HEARTS ARE WITH YOU. please visit our support group to connect with our community.


National Accreta Foundation is an entirely volunteer staffed and donation funded 501(c)(3) non-profit organization dedicated to placenta accreta advocacy. If you find our content of value, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us continue this work.