Placenta Accreta Stories

Accreta Experience: Megan Moody

“Accreta Experiences” is a National Accreta Foundation produced series where accreta survivors write articles sharing their placenta accreta experiences and learnings in their own words to help those new to the accreta community. The first article in our series is written by percreta survivor Megan Moody. Read what she has to say about how to plan for your physical and emotional recovery.


Accreta Experience: erin jensen

Erin Jensen began donating blood on her daughter’s first birthday. Read about how the desire to give back and honor their experience inspired Erin to begin hosting an annual blood drive for her community. Tips & tricks included for how you can host your own blood drive in honor of Accreta Awareness Month in October.

Accreta Experience: Cassie Baldelli

Cassie Baldelli's local hospital wasn't equipped to manage her case of placenta accreta. Read about how Cassie educated herself on the condition and sought the opinions of multiple placenta accreta experts throughout the country before deciding on a hospital and provider that she trusted to manage her complicated delivery.

Accreta survivor Bethany Harrison shares a compelling personal tribute to her health care providers titled “All of the things I wish I could say: Dear Healthcare Team…” Bethany excellently articulates the complexities of an accreta experience, her gratitude resonates with many in the accreta community.

Accreta Experience: Lindsey Dwyer

Placenta percreta survivor Lindsey Dwyer spent Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years in the hospital as part of her accreta experience. Hear what she learned about creating new family traditions during this time and how her family maintained happy holidays for all.

Accreta Experience: Morgan Teal

Placenta percreta survivor Morgan Teal shares how the compassionate care she received during her pregnancy helped her to realize her own resilience and inspired her to pursue her dream of becoming a physician herself. Read Morgan’s insights into how to discover your strength and move forward after accreta.


Accreta Experience: Rohelia Letscher

Laughter, a close knit family support system and encouragement to self advocate. Read about how all these things played important roles in Rohelia Letscher’s placenta percreta diagnosis and delivery. 

Accreta Experience: Kate McMeekin

As a nurse, Kate McMeekin had access to too much information upon receiving her accreta diagnosis and spent many sleepless nights in fear of her family’s outcome. That is, until she received a piece of unexpected advice that completely changed her outlook. Read about how Kate regained control and had a positive accreta patient experience.

Accreta Experience: Jeremy Tillman

Jeremy Tillman shares his family’s story of placenta accreta. Read a father’s perspective on how he managed to support his family while coping himself during his wife Debora’s placenta percreta diagnosis, delivery, and recovery.


Accreta Experience: Grace Hilton

Grace Hilton had a tough accreta experience and her mental health suffered. Read about how this UK accreta mum learned to bolster her recovery by celebrating her successes and focusing on how far she has come.

Accreta Experience: Stephanie Goodell

Many people consider running a marathon to be the pinnacle of mental endurance and physical fitness. Find out how Stephanie Goodell’s accreta and pregnancy loss experience prepared her to accomplish anything she sets her mind to, including training for and completing the Boston Marathon.

Accreta Experience: Joree Novotny

Joree Novotny shares how she experienced undiagnosed placenta increta in her first and only pregnancy. Read Joree’s journey about how she came to terms with her family being complete after accreta and how she’s navigated the emotional complexities of requiring a hysterectomy during childbearing years.

How to Prepare for an Accreta Delivery

From what to pack in your hospital bag to suggested topics for pre-delivery discussion with your family and support network, National Accreta Foundation co-founder Kristen Terlizzi passes on tips from her two month postpartum hospital stay.

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National Accreta Foundation helps connect placenta accreta, increta and percreta patients & families with resources and content of value to help navigate an accreta experience.


National Accreta Foundation is a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to placenta accreta advocacy. Content on this site is provided for informational purposes only and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional, please see our medical disclaimer here. National Accreta Foundation is entirely volunteer staffed and donation funded, if you find our content of value, please consider making a tax-deductible donation to help us continue this work.